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About  L-Atelier                                   “Fashions fade, style is eternal.” Yves Saint Laurent

Welcome to my sewing atelier

I am happy to introduce bespoke tailoring services for women.

Custom sewing of garments for all sizes and figures.

The designer fashionable clothes of the ideal cutting underlines your individuality and status.

Stores offer a great choice of modern clothes of any trend and style, however there are always people who prefer custom made wears. Custom made clothes is a pleasant and advantageous alternative to the garments found in stores.

I have helped peaple improve wardrobe and prepare them for special ocassions. This means a close attention to detail from sketch to finish.

You will be fully involved in the whole garment creation process right from the initial consultation, design, choice and sourcing of the fabrics, through to the final fitting.

CONSULTATION - At this first meeting we will discuss details about design, fabric and materials. You may have some pictures and magazines or I can create several sketches of costume design, that is individual to you.

MEASUREMENT- I work by taking a set of your measurements and producing a toile of your garment. This allows any fitting alterations and changes to be made before cutting into expensive fabrics.

FIRST FITTING WITH TOILE - if required. After making paper pattern for you, we will make a toile. This is a test garment made of calico or cotton. You will be able to see the style and shape and, if necessary, we can easily make any changes.

SECOND FITTING - With your chosen fabric. When we are happy with the toile will we start to make your outfit from the main fabric.

PLEASE NOTE - The number of fittings may vary depending on the complexity of the project.  For example the evening dress can takes from 60 up to 100 hours to create. Tailoring can takes two to five weeks depending on style and laboriousness.

I create casual clothes for every season, clothes for special events, outdoor clothes. Dance costumes, clothing for stage performances & exhibition presentations.

Alterations & repairs. I will help you to find the right alteration or repair that matches your favorite clothing needs.

I have over 15 years of knowledge and experience in the apparel industry, covering all aspects of the creation of costumes. From idea, style and design, through to all nuances of sewing tehnology. So you can expect a high standard with quality finish to your garments.

I am committed to offering you high quality service at reasonable prices.





Профессия: художник-модельер, портной индивидуального пошива, конструктор, технолог, дизайнер женской одежды. Художник-стилист. Художественное проектирование костюма. Создаю одежду от эскиза до готового изделия. Опыт работы в области моделирования одежды более 15 лет. Работала с российскими и зарубежными швейными предприятиями, (Россия, Италия, Китай) совместно с ведущими конструкторами, технологами, дизайнерами. Разработка коллекций одежды к каждому сезону.

Работаю в своей творческой мастерской с индивидуальными заказами. В работе совмещаю муляжный метод моделирования одежды, (наколка на манекене) и расчетно-графический метод конструирования. Разработка логотипов, рекламы, дизайна компаний. Рисование в технике батик, живопись, графика, дизайн окружающей среды!

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